Story Squad is a progressive web app for encouraging young children to sharpen their language, drawing, teamwork, and critical thinking skills through weekly competition.
In the video above (on supported browsers), I present the project and team details (0:00-1:50) and showcase the web application (1:50-5:08) following my team's 2 months of work.
Collaborated on a remote, crossfunctional team of 1 UX Designer, 5 Full-Stack Developers, and 3 Data Scientists, over a 2 month period; utilized Agile methodology to build application to the specifications of a not-for-profit stakeholder.
Designed and implemented the back-end API and front-end interface for admin user management and child users' weekly competition PDF display.
Coded the API and interface for COPPA-compliant child user submissions, and collaborated with Data Scientists for scanned handwriting to text conversion.
Documented components, pages, middleware, utils, and database schema and migration details on our GitHub wiki with Markdown text styling.
Built using Axios, bcrypt, Express.js, Jest, Markdown, Material-UI, Node.js, React.js, SuperTest, TypeORM, and TypeScript.